In this episode of the Overflow Worship Podcast, Andrea Olson opens up about a topic every worship leader can relate to—staying focused in the midst of life’s chaos. As a worship leader, mom, and business owner, Andrea shares practical tips on how to keep focus, while offering a healthy balance between ministry and personal life.
"I know that some of the most amazing leaders, the strongest, smartest people I know, open themselves up to outside input."
In this episode, Andrea breaks down four essential ways to stay focused and thrive in your calling. Let’s explore them in more depth.
The first and most important step to staying focused is making sure you’re investing in your relationship with God. Andrea encourages worship leaders to spend daily time with the Lord, whether through prayer, reading the Bible, or worshiping in private.
"When I start to feel chaotic and stressed, I realize I’ve been shorting my time with the Lord."
As a worship leader, your connection with God is foundational to everything else. It helps you lead from a place of overflow, not burnout. Additionally, taking care of yourself physically is vital. Andrea mentions that activities like walking, kickboxing, or any form of exercise can recharge your energy and help you refocus on your calling.
Don’t just rush through your Bible reading or prayer. Set aside intentional time each day to refresh your spirit. Your ministry will flourish when you are spiritually and physically healthy.
Another key to staying focused is to seek outside input. This means finding a mentor or trusted advisor who can offer wisdom and accountability. It’s not always easy, but having someone who can point out your blind spots and help keep you on track is invaluable.
"I have to open myself up to outside input, and I know the strongest leaders I know do the same."
Whether it’s a trusted colleague, mentor, or friend, open yourself to feedback and encouragement. These relationships are essential in helping you maintain focus, especially when ministry becomes overwhelming.
Andrea turns to scripture for the next tool: rejoice and pray without ceasing. She references 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 as a reminder that maintaining a spirit of gratitude and constant prayer helps worship leaders stay grounded.
"We don’t rejoice for all things, but we can rejoice in all things."
Challenges and hardships are inevitable, but by maintaining an attitude of gratitude and consistently praying, worship leaders can remain focused on their mission, even during difficult times. Prayer is a powerful tool that keeps you connected to God and your ministry.
Finally, Andrea stresses the importance of community. Surrounding yourself with like-minded worship leaders or a supportive network is critical in staying focused and inspired. As Andrea notes, being part of a group where you can share experiences, challenges, and wins keeps you encouraged and motivated.
"We remind each other why we do what we do, and we spur each other on."
If you’re looking for this type of community, Overflow Worship Leaders Online is a fantastic resource. This membership offers training, mentorship, and fellowship with other worship leaders who understand the unique challenges of ministry. Enrollment only opens twice a year, so head to to join the waitlist and be notified when doors open again in July.
Staying focused as a worship leader isn’t always easy, but with these four strategies—time with God, opening yourself to outside input, prayer, and community—you can thrive in your calling. Remember that leading from a place of overflow, rather than overwhelm, allows you to impact future generations of worship in your church.
As Andrea closes out this episode, she leaves listeners with a reminder that God has called you to this ministry for a reason, and by staying focused on Him, you will lead effectively and joyfully.
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Until next time, keep on thriving in your worship leadership!
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