It's time to rise up...


The Church of tomorrow depends

on the leaders we develop today

We’re Here to Help

Are you a worship leader? Maybe you’re starting at a new church or experiencing transition within your ministry. Overflow Worship wants to help you transform your leadership to lead people into the life-giving presence of God. Our resources are designed for you; no matter where you are in your journey, as a worship leader, we are here to help.


Overflow Worship

Conference is Changing!

The Overflow Worship Conference is an annual worship leader conference born out of Willmar, Minnesota. The last year and a half has brought so much change! And we are changing in a way we are excited about! The Overflow Worship Conference is now the Overflow Worship Retreat and it's exclusively for the leaders inside our program at Overflow Worship Leaders Online! To learn more, click the button below.

“When I lead worship, I invite people into a place that I love to go. As worship leaders, that’s our job. To point people to Jesus and lead them into His Presence - but we cannot effectively lead people into a place that we haven’t been.”


An Everyday Resource, 

Made Just for You

In a constantly on the go world, finding a convenient resource catered to your needs matters. The Overflow Worship Podcast is a practical tool for helping worship leaders and teams discover the power of God’s presence while addressing the unique challenges worship leaders face.


Overflow Worship

Leaders Online

Overflow Worship Leaders Online is Membership built by worship leaders for worship leaders in volunteer supported ministries. We know how much time and energy you pour into developing people and taking care of responsibilities while serving the local church. Your job description is vast, and we know it can be overwhelming. But we want to see you lead from the overflow, not the overwhelm. So we created this unique, one-of-a-kind membership community with you in mind. Inside our membership, we provide online training, community connection, webinars, song resources and self paced video courses to help you lay the foundations to thrive in ministry for the long haul.



Coaching with 

Andrea Olson

Are you a worship leader or a local church searching for tools to grow your worship team? Andrea Olson is an experienced worship leader that is here to help you with all of your ministry needs through workshops, coaching, and leading in-person gatherings. 

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